Types of loan repayment
The following types of reimbursement will be discussed below: BULLET; FRENCH-STYLE AMORTISATION; FRENCH-STYLE AMORTISATION WITH PRE-AMORTISATION; ITALIAN-STYLE AMORTISATION MULTIBULLET AMORTISATION with BALLOON DYNAMIC N.B.: loans called "amortising" on the platform assume French-style amortisation. 1. BULLET REPAYMENT For the duration of the loan (usually 12 months to 8 years) the borrower pays interest-only instalments. The principal is repaid in full at maturiPopularDynamic Loan: what is it?
As you can see, we have implemented dynamic lending. The dynamism of this type of loan is due to three factors: the capital is repaid by the companies (borrowers) dynamically according to their turnover (no predetermined repayment schedule); the only cost for the company (return for the investors) is a pre-determined fixed value (no annual interest rate) which is also paid dynamically as the principal is repaid; the dynamic loan has a final maturity where, if the monthly repayments hPopularProject Scoring & Rating
At EvenFi, we prioritize providing our investors with clear insight and transparency, empowering them to make informed and conscious investment decisions. Throughout our project evaluation and risk rating assignment process, our commitment is to offer investors comprehensive and transparent information. Our risk rating scale offers investors an insightful perspective into the level of risk associated with each project: from lower-risk projects (A+, A-, A), to medium-risk projects (B+, B-, B-, CSome readers